Why Is Underwater Welding So Dangerous?

There is no doubt that welding is a difficult job, and not everyone is capable of doing this with perfection. When we talk about underwater welding, it brings more danger and risks with it as compared to welding on the ground.

We also know the fact that the world is gradually moving towards the blue economy for the development, and for this to happen, underwater welding skill is going to be one of the most demanding and highly paid jobs.

Here in this article, specifically, we are going to discuss about the dangers of underwater welding and how we can avoid it at our level best.

To make it easy for you to understand, we also need to highlight why underwater welding is essential, why it is required, what exactly the threats are, and how we can minimize or eliminate them. All these points will be mentioned here in detail.

Why We Need Underwater Welding?

The first question that may arise in our minds is why we need underwater welding when it poses so much danger.

Well, underwater welding has become indispensable for development, manufacturing, and construction below the sea level.

The vast applications of the aquatic world require you to have the skillset, which makes you capable of welding under the water.


Underwater welding is important because of its versatile applications. Firstly, you need it to build ships, stations, oil platforms, placement of pipelines, offshore facilities, and other marine applications.

Most importantly, for exploration and preservation of marine environment and resources, repairing works, and for all such other reason, you need to have on hand experience and knowledge of underwater welding.

Why Is Underwater Welding So Dangerous?

Does Underwater Welding Worth It?

Let’s get back to our main question of what are the threats of underwater welding and why it is dangerous. But before that, is underwater welding really a dangerous job, and is it worth it to risk your life for it? The response to this query is not as simple as saying Yes or No.

We know that the job that involves a high probability of risks and danger, the higher it pays you but not more than your life but, there is suspense, if we already know about the threats we are going to face, we can prepare to face it and can try our best to minimize it as much as we can.

Hence it is totally worth the money until and unless you are fully prepared to face it and are well aware of the danger and how you can save yourself from it.

If you have physical strength, had proper pieces of training, and are well aware of the technicalities, then you should give it a chance. If you have made it through, you are going to be one of the most demanding welders.

Why Is Underwater Welding Dangerous?

Underwater welding is considered as the most dangerous job due to its high fatality rate. If we take care of the safety protocols and procedures, we can minimize the probability of getting any harm.

This article is surely going to help you in preparing for the threats underwater welder face. The reasons why underwater welding is so dangerous are mentioned below.

  • Drowning is one of the most critical factors when we discuss the dangers of underwater welding. Drowning can happen to anybody due to any reason. Underwater welders are specially trained, and they must be a good swimmer in order to prevent this to happen.
  • Water and electricity are the most dangerous combination and can take lives in seconds. Underwater welders have to deal with this combination.
  • Underwater welders need to carry a different kinds of elements and tools with them. Gas pockets or any other similar item can cause a massive explosion.
  • You may not be aware of the time it will take underwater to perform and complete the welding process. Remaining underwater for a longer period of time brings more pressure and make it difficult for you to operate and remain conscious. It may also cause severe damage to the ears, nose, or lungs.
  • Obviously, you are not alone underwater. Underwater creatures may cause problems for you and can attack you as well.
  • Decompression sickness may occur as reactive gases as you perform the welding process. It may limit your capability and will adversely affect your swiftness and performance.
  • The water and body temperature are also important factors to consider as if you remain in cold water for long, it may lead to organ failure and other body issues.
Preventive Measures

Being prepared is the key, and if you are aware of the difficulties and challenges you are going to face, you can prepare for it much better; following safety protocols and proceeding with the standard procedure minimize the chances of getting in danger.

If you take notes of the certain rules and techniques, you can keep yourself safe from the hazards of underwater welding.

  • One of the most significant ability and skill which is a must for the underwater welder is swimming. Underwater should be an expert in swimming and should be aware of how he can swim under pressure for a more extended period of time.
  • As much as swimming, welder also needs to have strong command over welding technique and procedure. If a welder is good with swimming and not well aware of the welding technique, it is going to be a waste of time. Therefore, the underwater welder should be well prepared and trained for the type of job.
  • To prevent electric shocks, use insulated equipment and watertight cables, take waterproof electrodes, and use non-conductive material to keep the power supply on. The equipment should be properly tested before use.
  • A welder should be well aware of the science behind every process and material he is going to take so that he can react according to the situation if faced any.
  • Welding current and voltage should be carefully monitored at all times and if using gas pipes or cylinders, check for any leakage before use.
  • An underwater welder needs to have a set of skills in order to perform the task successfully, such as diving, welding, fitting, inspection, and testing. Therefore, take as much time as it requires you to fully prepare yourself for all these tasks.
In the end, we can say that welders are faced with double challenges, and you need to learn all the safety standards and protocols. Nothing is difficult and unmanageable if we do it with desire and commitment.

Underwater welders need to have an attentive mind at all times, and he needs to react to the situation within seconds. It can only be achieved once you are fully prepared for it. This article is going to be a lifesaving article for you.

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